About World Newsmedia Network
Inspiring media companies to innovate their digital, data, AI and revenue strategies
World Newsmedia Network is a not-for-profit media organisation founded in 2010 to inform and inspire news media organizations to innovate their digital operations. WNMN creates strategic reports and organises major events for the industry.
The WNMN is headed by Martha L. Williams, author of the Global Digital Media Trendbook since 2006, and dozens of strategic reports about innovations and best practices in data, artificial intelligence, digital advertising, digital subscriptions, product development and much more. She is the founder and organiser of the Data and AI for Media Week conferences and study tours, launched in 2013 while she was a research fellow at the University of Oxford's Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. The conferences and study tours have been held ten times, in New York, London, Hong Kong and San Francisco.

Ms. Stone is the former director of the Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project at the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in Paris. She was a Reuters Institute Associate Research Fellow at University of Oxford for 2013-2014, concentrating her research on Big Data to assist media in understanding and monetising their audiences.
Ms. Stone founded and organizes the annual Big Data for Media Week conferences and study tours. The events were founded in 2013, and have grown steadily as media companies around the world have adopted Big Data strategies. She is also a PhD candidate at City University in London, concentrating on Big Data for Media. She was also the founding training director of Ifra’s Newsplex, newsrooms of the future, in the United States and Germany, from 2001 to 2005, and a digital media consultant for Innovation Media Consulting, Kelsey Group, and AIM Group from 1995 onward.
World Newsmedia Network is a not-for-profit media organisation founded in 2010 to inform and inspire news media organizations to innovate their digital operations. WNMN creates strategic reports and organises major events for the industry.
The WNMN is headed by Martha Stone, author of the Global Digital Media Trendbook since 2006, and was the founder of the Big Data for Media Week conferences and study tours founded in 2013. The sixth Big Data conferences is in Hong Kong in December 2017; the seventh is set for New York City in March 2018..